What Would Happen If the Internet Went Down ... Forever?

Never mind the personal inconveniences it would cause. If the internet went down permanently there would be more problems than people seem to realize. Some of these problems might be overcome with time but just think about everything we take for granted that is done via internet. The power grids are controlled over the net to a degree, grocery stores order their stock by the net, including fuel, truck lines use the net to coordinate loads pick up and deliveries. This country would be in bad shape at least for a period of time if the net went down. Am I wrong?
What....? But how would people complain without twitter? How would they share what "important" things they are doing without FB? How would they make "friends" without social media? :yawn:

Guess those encyclopedias that my parents bought just went up in value! Not a big deal - lived without it before. Sometimes I think we'd be better off without it too........
I was just thinking about how the internet has helped in a whole lot'a ways . I know it's done harm in a whole lot's ways too. Thinkin on guns alone ; it's put gun swindlers in their place for the most part :rolleyes:
Never mind the personal inconveniences it would cause. If the internet went down permanently there would be more problems than people seem to realize. Some of these problems might be overcome with time but just think about everything we take for granted that is done via internet. The power grids are controlled over the net to a degree, grocery stores order their stock by the net, including fuel, truck lines use the net to coordinate loads pick up and deliveries. This country would be in bad shape at least for a period of time if the net went down. Am I wrong?
You are not and the company I worked for would cease to exist.
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