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Your 11yr old daughter is attacked in a public restroom what do you do?

I hate this repeat offender thing. Everybody deserves their human rights, until they don't. Until they take away someone elses rights, like the right to not be abused by some deranged ****. Repeat offenders should have to wear some bright coloured indentifying clothing an be ankle monitered for life. Because people should have the right to know when they're around.
"Registered sex offender". Fat lot of good that does.

They need to be given a choice, first offense: castration or life in prison.

Second offense: Mandatory life in prison, no parole.

These people NEVER change, and NEVER stop.

I'm not a fan of mandatory first offender sentences. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances.
And no, I'm not standing up to pedephines, but I remember prior to when I moved to GA (2007) some 15 year old girl in florida sent nudes to her 16 y/o boyfriend and ended up being prosecuted for taking and distributing child porn because they wanted to make an example of her (and the boyfriend who was also charged with posession of child porn) I don't remember if they went to trial or pleaded out, but both of them ended up having to register on the sex offender registry.. that to me isn't justice but the judges hands were tied because of mandatory sentencing

edit: I should however clarify that i have no sympathy for true scum bags and have no problems with repeat offenders getting mandatory sentencing but even that can go too far sometimes like californias 3 strike rule. throwing someone away for life for being a gang banger, or child preditor.. sure.. throwing someone away for life because he was caught 3 times with pot he uses to control his epilepsy or ptsd? not so much (although now that pot is more or less legal a lot of places and for certain reasons it doesn't happen like it used to, but it does make a prime example of how mandatory sentencing can be bad when used improperly by politicians for political gain like blue states and gun laws)
Dirty lowdown egg suckin' scumbags like him are exactly why I thank GOD we had sons and not daughters. But I have a daughter in law & nieces, I'd hate to think what I'd do if anybody tried to hurt one of them. Although I really don't think there would be enough left of any POS that tried to harm my daughter in law after her and my son got through with him for me to even need to do anything. They're both Veterans plus my son is a Combat Veteran and my daughter in law is tough as nails and takes NO **** off ANYBODY. Lol!
"Registered sex offender". Fat lot of good that does.

They need to be given a choice, first offense: castration or life in prison.

Second offense: Mandatory life in prison, no parole.

These people NEVER change, and NEVER stop.

They need to be given a choice, first offense: "castration AND life in prison" OR "a ROPE and short drop" !

It's a sick world we live in when we can't even let our children go to the bathroom by themselves
As a mother of a 13 year old daughter it's a fine line we walk
You don't wanna treat them like a baby and hold their hand every minute
You want them to grow up self reliant and secure
But I will admit I even at 13 years old still go with her if it's a one stall I stay outside the door.

Bastards need to be castorated
According to this story the little girl is attacked in the bathroom of Sonny's and runs out screaming. As a father of three girls if one of them had this happen then 911 would need to call an ambulance or coroner for this scumbag. This piece of garbage was previously convicted. Just another reminder to watch your kids because these predators are waiting for an opportunity when you are not paying attention.


If it was me and they(Attacker) only 1 person will be leaving that bathroom, BREATHING!!
After I cut his intestines out, slit his tongue to the back of his throat, cut both ears off, scalped him and hung the bloody hair from my belt and took my thumbs and popped his eyeballs like ripe grapes, dance around the room chanting and screaming live a wild Indian, spending 6 months of rehabilitation, medication at a seclude wire enclosed VA Hospital.. I'm doing much better now :shocked:
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