Your wife a stay at home and want some extra dough?

Welcome to life. Some people aren't cut out for sales. They should probably stay away.
Sure that's true but this business model is unsustainable by design. I assume not all of the money is made from "sales". Usually a big factor is convincing other people this is a good idea so that they buy products and take your place at the bottoms of the pyramid. The ones at the bottom lose money.
I'm not sure exactly, but it's somewhere in the $2500 range over the last three months. Which is how long she's been doing it. I feel it will pick up more, but for an extra almost $12k a year for her having a hobby after her 9 to 5 to help support my shooting habbit... I'll take it.
What are her cost to date?
Can you say PYRAMID!!!!!!
I think they use "social marketing" as the preferred nomenclature.

These companies seem to pop up frequently, kill it for a year or two making the early adopters a bit of money, and then sort of fade out into the night.

There used to be one called Arbonne. Same sort of thing.
Sure that's true but this business model is unsustainable by design. I assume not all of the money is made from "sales". Usually a big factor is convincing other people this is a good idea so that they buy products and take your place at the bottoms of the pyramid. The ones at the bottom lose money.
You're making a lot of assumptions based on the term. It matters to me zero if any of you pass this off as a BS or whatever, but I don't think active bashing is appropriate before doing a little, just the tiniest bit of research on the company, the model, and the product.
You're making a lot of assumptions based on the term. It matters to me zero if any of you pass this off as a BS or whatever, but I don't think active bashing is appropriate before doing a little, just the tiniest bit of research on the company, the model, and the product.
I'm not bashing. I just thought you may have slightly misrepresented the opportunity when you said it was like a regular corporation. Here is how it works directly from their website.
What are her cost to date?
The $2500 is profit. It was $900 to get set up with samples and stuff. When customers purchase, they buy direct from the company not my wife. She doesn't keep an inventory in house. Products are purchased through her website to track her sales but are shipped direct from the company.
My wife did something similar for awhile. She never made money at it but she enjoyed it as a hobby. Apparently women like peddling jewelry, makeup, etc to each other the same way we do so with guns on ODT.

Best explanation EVER. Well done sir. It can be tough if not darn near impossible to make real-job money doing it, but it's an enjoyable social hobby that doesn't COST them money, and even brings in some.
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