49 days

Quick update before heading to South Georgia.

The number of young bucks showing up has exploded. I've lost count, but it's well over a dozen. However, two of the three mature bucks are starting to separate themselves from the bachelor groups and the biggest of the three is just gone. All of them are going more nocturnal. I think a couple of the youngest bucks have shed their velvet, but none of the bigger ones have.

Still no sign of the monster I saw last winter. I think his core area is close, but does not come onto my property. I bet he is already driving the younger bucks away and that's why so many have shown up here. I also think he has a concentration of does in his core area, because I'm only sure of three that show up here. Three does to over a dozen bucks. Not good.

Hopefully it will get interesting when I set up a line of mock scrapes during the rut.

Finished sighting in my crossbow with the rage practice tips. From 30-60 it is dead nuts. Got my Rage's installed on my bolts and tested the lighted nocks. I am ready. Wash my clothes and spray down my climber on friday and it's game on.
I can’t believe it’s 6 days away! It’s still hot.....
As much as I hate hot weather hunting, the hot weather will probably keep the deer on their summertime pattern a little bit longer, so take full advantage of it. The hardening of their antlers will send the bucks back to their nocturnal ways eventually.
There is usually a lot of mid-day activity at my lease during the first couple weeks of bow season.
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