973% rise in heart failure

Well I had it twice and lived, guess I'm tougher than those other ignorant statements made.
If the tests are to be trusted, I've had Covid at least three times since Dec 2019. Only once did I stay in bed for a day. Otherwise I went to the range and worked outside in the fresh air. Never a cough, sniffle or headache. Never ran a fever.
If the tests are to be trusted, I've had Covid at least three times since Dec 2019. Only once did I stay in bed for a day. Otherwise I went to the range and worked outside in the fresh air. Never a cough, sniffle or headache. Never ran a fever.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, who knows, every time I go to the doctor with sinus problems, they ask, do you want us to test you for Covid, I'll, Do you really think I have Covid, the Doctor will say no. They are trained to ask this by the Government. I had a headache and that's it, never lost my sense of taste or smell or nothing.
If the tests are to be trusted, I've had Covid at least three times since Dec 2019. Only once did I stay in bed for a day. Otherwise I went to the range and worked outside in the fresh air. Never a cough, sniffle or headache. Never ran a fever.
I keep kept moving working, drinking plenty of fluids, water, Sprite. Worst thing to do is dwell on it and stay laying down. Get up and do things.
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