And that thread was just getting good....

There was 2 replies last time I saw the thread, did he actually know his friend was a felon? Did his friend know what all was in the trunk?

Sounds about like what his lawyer will try to sell to the judge.

The "these aren't my pants" defense doesn't work well most of the time, esp when caught making a drug deal.
Does either matter OR do we really CARE. He won' need his "stuff" if he is doing time with his buddy.

Well if he didn't know his friend was a convicted felon, he might not end up doing time. If his buddy didn't know about the guns/ammo in the trunk, then that's just even more ****ed up than it already is. I was just genuinely curious, that's all.
Overheard at a gunshop counter in Macon:

Clerk: "Are you a prohibited person?"
Thug: "What dat?"
Clerk: "Have you been convicted of a felony?"
Thug: "I own know. I did 18 months in County."
Clerk: "You spent 18 months jail and you don't know if you were convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor?"
Thug: "Das what a I said. I own know what the charge was."
Clerk: "Thank you sir, no need to fill out that form."
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