Anyone Else Sick of Hearing About Cecil?

Not so fast. First of all, if it weren't for game hunting in Africa, there wouldn't be any of the big game still alive. They'd be massacred by the locals for food. Conservation and hunters money saved big game from extinction. Secondly, he paid a lot of money to hunt for one of the big 5. That money goes to a lot of employees that work for the professional hunter. The Zim dollar isn't worth the paper it's printed on and $50,000 is a fortune.
They lured this old lion out of a refuge for the hunter. I'd be willing to bet that he knew nothing about it. Granted, it was a terrible shot and the lion was wounded for a couple days and suffered till they could find him and finish it. No excuse for that but the meat never goes to waste. Nobody gives a damn while the old Rhodesian farmers and their families are murdered in their homes and their farms are confiscated. That didn't make the news. Lastly, the old Rhodies, hands down, are the nicest people I've ever met. You would love it if you ever made the effort to go there. Don't knock it till you try it.

Not opposed to a real hunt at all.
But Hunting a lion with a bow imo is completely irresponsible and possibly cruel and more about chest pumping than hunting. I hunt deer with a bow so Im not opposed to bow hunting but a lion is just too big and powerful and should be larger caliber rifle (at least .30?) only.
This is not about Cecil or hunting or poaching. This is not even a real news story. It is a story being blown up in proportion by the mainstream news media to divert attention so that they don't cover important issues such as the bad deal on Iran, Planned Parenthood atrocities and Clinton corruption. Forget that their are important issues facing the nation. Let's devote all of our energy on a story about an African lion. Hours have been devoted to this story while virtually no air time has been devoted to Iran or PP.

Just another case of "look at the shiny object" and don't pay attention to stories that matter.
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing all this BS about a lion in Zimbabwe and how this MONSTER murdered and slaughtered him. I do have enough sense to make sure all my hunts are legit. But this guy dropped a fortune on this hunt and still got his face all over the media, giving not just him but all of us hunters a bad name.
This. It's unfortunate but this is a topic of national discussion. Millions of kids are getting fed the message Hunter= Evil. Everything from the news to the movies, the media is forging tomorrow's lefty activist army. My kids won't be drinking their koolaid.
I agree with the comments that this is mainly a diversion to move the top news away from Planned Parenthood, Iran, and Hilliary. Sadly, the masses will do as told (and they vote). Our country in many sectors has become a mindless mass living on government handouts. Not sure we could win WWII with the country we have today.

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