Asked to return pistol purchase

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Actually anything said here could be libel not slander. Libel is: defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. Slander is same when spoken. Irregardless, if what you have told us the truth then there are no grounds for a libel suit. You should feel free to tell us the name of the shop BECAUSE THE OWNER OF THE SHOP IS SLANDERING YOU.

Or you could have made all this up and we're the ones being played. No way for us to know for sure. PM us the name of the shop.

I would never take legal advice from a person that uses "IRREGARDLESS" as if it were an actual word.
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You paid for it, you have a receipt, you have the gun, tell him thank but but no thank you.

Had this crap pulled om me one time and did not give up the gun. It has been 2 years, the gun shop does not want to have to replace it, plain, simple, and he's trying to pressure you. To save his bacon.

Tell him, glwts.....................
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