ATF Leaked document 6/22

This inclusion into the realm of first responders' 'toolkits' is nothing more than an attempt to use FRs (even those NOT LE) to question, condemn and to confiscate weapons without benefit of 2A protections simply because they respond to a scene and the ATF has told them "ooga booga!" LE, like here in Georgia already know (have information readily available) if there is a WCL for the resident, etc. and a weapon could be present. This is just more gungrabbing without benefit of legislated statute - something all Democrats eventually want. Were I a non-LE first responder, the LAST thing I'd do is ask if there are "PMFs" in the home...

Mr. Litner was a victim of domestic abuse when the cops (presumably) entered his house and (presumably) asked his wife about guns or (presumably) asked to use the toilet and (presumably) snooped around.

kinda why your gun storage shouldn’t look like a safe

Mr. Litner was a victim of domestic abuse when the cops (presumably) entered his house and (presumably) asked his wife about guns or (presumably) asked to use the toilet and (presumably) snooped around.
Just more evidence that "they" cannot get what they want through gun legislation statute (which would/could resolve all question if enacted) they will get it via other duplicitous means. This whole vein of "risk" and the like has even transmuted itself into the world of healthcare where your healthcare provider asks you if there are guns in the home. Why? Because the money they get from our gun-grabbing-without-legislation government makes asking those questions a requirement in order to receive federal funding and/or approval of submitted health care service reimbursement claims. EVIL.
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