College park gun buy back today! I am doing well.

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:frusty:Why are some people on here so damn NASTY all the time? I have noticed that in just about every thread there always seem to be one or two who will chime in with major attitude and just start a negative rant about what ever the topic is. i know im new to OTD but im really getting tired of reading these a**hole crybabies bit*h about everything! If you dont like the discussion or the topic then why dont you just shut the F**K up and move on!!
Is this a brotherhood of great people sharing a great interest and making a great community ? I hoped so when I joined But It there seems to be a bunch of smartass smart mouthed jerks always looking to start a argument for a chance to show their sharp witted egos and bloated bullsh*t opinions!
No one is the authority on EVERYTHING so take a break on acting like a DI*K all the time! GEEE,ZUS
Sorry to most of you for my lil rant,,,:focus:

X2 A well needed rant
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