Cool NFA time estimater

Yeh its called


I did speak to Ms Siviero this morning (examiner for GA and SC) and she said they are hoping to add some more full time examiners by June.
Didnt they hired 9 official examiners? What's taking them so long? Supposedly the NFATCA or whatever, reported on their Facebook page that NFA hired 9 additional examiners. Totaling to like 30 examiners including the assistant examiners...
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Looks like I am about one to two weeks away on my first suppressor. Still have a few months on the other two. Really won't matter if you don't have any ammo. Luckily, I stocked up before the crap hit the fan. It is becoming a little more available.
NFA tracker originally estimated my approval for April or possibly May. Now it's sliding into June / July. I went pending on 12/10.

Yes I am afraid to say the 6 months is no more. Every SBR on the shelves was cleaned out during the panic so that either means people were pinning or going the NFA route. I am thinking we are now at 7 - 9 months in the approval process.
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