Deer moving patterns

Beginning of the season I let so many does walk I could have filled my card twice. Week later I shot an 8 point, and haven't seen one since except on cams. Now I have one decent buck that shows up at the feeder at early am almost every day, and leaves just as I get in the shooting house, and a bunch of immature bucks that have shown up regularly. It's a 4 point one side county, so they're safe. The moon was super bright last week, so I blame that, but I still question whether they have me pegged every day.
I would take a sleeping bag and get into your shooting house about 2 or so hours earlier than usual. Set a quiet alarm on your phone set back and take a nap. Wake up and surprise him because he didn’t see/ hear you come in at your “normal” time. Try it it just might work
Thanks for the tip
I tried the pickle juice overnight
did not make a difference in tenderness
taste - you better like pickles cause you could taste it in the venison
will not try again
For ground venison pan fry it. Add a quartered onion and a tablespoon of olive oil to a pan get it started cooking and then add your venison. Once the venison is cooked, drain it and throw out the onions. Use it in spaghetti, chili, tacos, Shepards pie, whatever you use ground beef for. My wife is the pickiest eater I’ve met, but she’ll eat venison if I cook it with the onion. X2 on the meatloaf. If you have a smoker, cook it in the smoker for an amazing meal.
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