Elementary school Shooting in Texas.. 13 Dead

I wonder how difficult it would be to lock the doors of school rooms when class starts. Seems like a simple fix.
I delivered T shirts to an elementary school here in Perry recently for their field day. I couldn't get in ANY door even the gym and cafeteria which were both empty. And they use those really strong magnetic locks.
And one more thing that pisses me off...
IF this shooter did have medical/mental health/scrip records before I would bet all the change in my coffee can that he don't anymore. By this time tomorrow he will be officially deleted. You can bet the shredders have been working hard since around noon today.

News reported that he bought two rifles on his 18th. The bag of **** dropped some cash into a DD and eotech.

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yeah, I thought the same thing, this doesn't meet the MO of a poor 18year old. Who paid 2K> for the DD and Eotech
Poor helpless children, we need armed "resource officers" (police) in all of our schools. Children are a precious resource worth protecting. Dirt bag shooter should have been gunned down at the door.
Unfortunately we hear this after every school shooting. Unfortunately it never changes. Why, they need to keep the ban the guns movement alive. It’s a sick world we live in.
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