For the Love of GOD...OUR MILLENNIALS are killing me!!!

Two Spaces or One Space (between the period and the beginning of next sentence)?

  • TWO SPACES...Take a Stance. Don't take Schit from them

  • ONE SPACE...Typewriters, what are those?


  • What are TACOS

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Today, I've reached a breaking point. Millennials...they got to me. But I'm taking a stance. Look, it wasn't all too long ago, I was a "young and know it all buck" that did things different and look to make a change in the world. I was an idealist and I saw the world much different than the previous old farts. And then I had to find a job, move out, get a mortgage and find a way to support a family (food on the table and diapers for the kiddos). So I get it. But...I'm done

I've been gainfully employed by the same employer for say...30 years (been real lucky there). I have trained many employees, mentored them, and seen them grow. Very proud of that. Each new comer (23-25 year olds) had it's challenges but this recent batch got to me.

Today, after reviewing/correcting their work, they said that after a period in a sentence and before starting another sentence I HAVE TWO SPACES. They told me I WAS WRONG and my writing looked awkward. They asked me WHY would you put "2" spaces after a period in a sentence.

What do you mean, I said. They said look man, been wanting to tell you for some time've been making this mistake a lot and we just didn't want to tell you. But since you're obviously picking on us for our work, we're just gonna tell you gotta take the two spaces down to "ONE." It's English 101. There is only "1" space after a period.

Baffled...I reach for my handy dandy "GOOGLE." They, we'll send it to you. And I Get this...

  1. It’s not only widely accepted, it’s expected that you use only one space after a period. Sorry two-spaces, it’s time to make the switch.
  2. Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period!
So is it time for me to pack up my bags or do you agree...take a stance.

Ask the little twerps what are their thoughts on the Oxford comma. Bet they say is takes too much time to insert it.

If they can find a style manual that approves one space, go for it. Any professional editor is going to insist on 2 spaces.

As noted above, my made in China for a Korean company phone using state of the art software programmed by those millenials, uses two spaces, and it's damn hard to make it use one.

By the way, the next time they make an issue about it, write your response in cursive, scan it, and distribute.
I'm 100% sure that when I first started typing reports (on typewriters, and on word processors) in HIGH SCHOOL, in the early 1980s, we were told to use two spaces at the end of each sentence that was not also the last sentence in a paragraph.

But I took some time off from school between high school graduation and college, and by the time I went to college in the early 1990s, I was regularly getting corrected on this point. One space was all, they said.

I'm a fan of white space. I like short paragraphs, double-spacing if you have to have long paragraphs in a document (lawyers have to double-space the body of all their briefs and pleadings anyway), and YES, even the extra space after a period.
One change that I have sort of adapted to are one sentence paragraphs, I call the Powerpoint effect. Back in the day, less than 3 sentences was considered an incomplete thought.

Just thought I would throw this out.

See what I did there?

I know for a fact that the writing tests in Georgia still use this standard (3 sentences).
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