Girlfriends first handgun what to get?

hahaha great suggestions, im going to take her up to the range and let her try them out, shes a newbie to it all but she definitely wants a handgun for ccw and home defense, im thinking 9mm is probably the most adequate for both purposes even though I have a 12ga and an AR she knows how to use.
SHE has to handle/shoot em ALL (guns considered for purchase) HERSELF. Nobody will pick a better pistol for and individual better than the individual themselves (male or female). What feels great and shoots great in one persons hand feels horrible and shoots poorly in another persons hand.
Tell her to stay in the kitchen, she doesnt need to carry there.....

hahahaha, kidding. Sorry.

I just brought home a 686, and the wife picked it up and she loves revolvers, "they are cool" no slide to rack, nothing to jam, nothing to go wrong.

She also has a 38 airweight for outside the house.

I think a revolver for the ladies is a good idea.
I highly recommend that you and the young lady go to one of the ranges that rents pistols. Let her try out an assortment of them to find out what fits her, feels good and she can easily handle. This could save you a whole lot of money in the long run. Experimenting with purchased pistols can get real expensive and is not really the best way.

You have to consider such things as whether she has the hand strength to pull back the slide to load the chamber, if the recoil intimidates her, if it's too big for her hand or the trigger is too heavy for good accuracy. Rental is your best bet!:nod::nod: Suggestions would be the Ruger LC380 (the LCP is just too dang small for good handling), LC9, Kimber Solo, Smith and Wesson M&P9c or M&P9 Shield, or the Ruger SR9c. If you are looking at a full size pistol (not sure if you are looking for concealed carry or general use), step up to the full size M&P9, the Ruger SR9 or mid size Glock 9mm.

This would be my recommendation also. She can fondle the rental guns at no cost and gun rental is fairly reasonable. The range may require that she use their ammo with the rental. It's still a lot cheaper than forking over a few hundred bucks to find out it's not what she likes. If she finds a winner, she can get some good range time in while you're there.
Bersa 380. Small enough for purse carry with external safety and enough weight to shoot all day.

My wife chose the lcp and a smith j frame hammerless.
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