Hunting with hocks

Did the bucks come from the area you were hunting? I got hocks from Paulding County and will be using them in Wilkinson County this weekend.

Bucks cruise all over during the rut. The one I shot last year was the first time I had ever seen him, and he was cruising through headed in the direction of another buck chasing a doe that my neighbor texted me he saw as he was leaving for work. I thought it was a larger 10 I was after, and I didn't realize it was a different one until I got to him on the ground.
Appreciate all the input y'all. Headed down to camp after work for the weekend. I'll keep ya posted on good, bad or ugly.
Many years ago I wiped the hocks on a pretty nice buck my dad had just killed with a cloth. Put it in a ziplock bag and dragged and hung it out the next morning. It drew in a little 6 pointer that hung around for a while. He eventually lost interest and left. That's my only experience with them. Good luck and keep us posted.
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