I-85 Peach Pass

just use the lane on the right side... its free... i think they call it "the shoulder" or something like that

be forewarned.. it can get a little sketchy at the exits.. and sometimes you get the random dumbass that parks their car there and leaves it
Back in 1996-97 I had this idea that I ran by my friends. All of them universally had the same response: "If you attempt to implement this, we will kill you."

The idea was to use a vehicle's OBD2 modular design to integrate a transponder with the vehicle's VIN and the driver's license of the registrant. The transponding signal would be intercepted by devices placed on highway signs, above each lane, and coordinate with the next transponding receiver does the highway.

The idea would be to determine a vehicle's average rate of travel within a city, county or state, and autonomously impose a citation. The technology would be given away by license, but the enterprising idea's reward based on citation revenue (flat 1/10 of 1%).

The same 'idea; could be placed overhead are intersections with red lights and left-turn lanes with their own lights, determine if someone ran the red in making the left-turn, etc. Yes, the idea was pure evil, but this actually was my first reaction to Atlanta traffic.

Of course i never bothered to go anywhere with the idea, but I have to wonder how the Peach Pass device isn't doing the same thing on the Interstate highway. Yesterday the PP tolls began, the wife and i observed a whole two vehicles traveling it it as we went from Hamilton Mill to I-285, but both PP travelers were speeding (we were doing 70 and they both caught to us and passed us).

So, the PP isn't a get out of jail free item, does not allow for speeding, etc., but why are these privileged autonomously cited for moving violations as they are autonomously fee'd for using the HOT lanes?
Wonder how long till they make all the lanes of the whole ATL interstate system toll roads.
Glad I spend my entire commute on hwy 41.
I have heard through the grape vine that there isnt technically a speed limit in the PP lane. We was running 80 85 and got blew off by a infiniti fx in that lane.
There are 4 cops that are permanently assigned to the pp lane. If my employee used it today he would have spent $9.00 each way to work. If you have three or more passengers it's free provided you have a peach pass and you go online and put high occupancy vehicle at least 15 minutes prior to traveling. This is a bunch of crap like cap and trade. The strategy is to make it so expensive you don't use it,when this happens everyone is in heavy traffic enticing you to use mass transit instead of your car. On top of this a portion of the toll is to be used for mass transit,the money for the PP lane came from a federal grant. They also want to implement this on all highways. Are we going to vote for the 1% sales tax on top of this being crammed down our throats. No vote for this PP program when it was our tax dollars that paid for these existing lanes that are now off limits unless we pay more $. Can you tell I'm very very pissed off about this,you should be to. I wanted to vote for the 1% sales tax for the 6 billion in road and mass transit projects but this PP **** has me hot. Take the 1% sales tax and shove it up there butts.
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