I know this is one of you!

Why is a child rapist allowed to live free (more or less free, subject only to sex offender registration laws) in our society?
Rapists should be executed.
Especially child rapists, where there's no worry about an adult woman "doing it" while drunk and having morning-after regrets and saying it was rape. (Not that drunk women don't really get raped. Sure they do, sometimes. And sometimes they aren't raped but they claim it as a face-saving measure. This was especially common a generation ago when fornication was frowned on by society, and single motherhood (never having been married) was seen as shameful.

But the RAPE of a CHILD?

A guy convicted of that in 1997 should be hanged by the neck until dead in 1998, and buried.
Nobody EVER needs to worry about his perversions ever again.
I wonder how much actual jail time he received for the 97 conviction? It wouldn't be long enough if it was my family member and I was still alive when he was released? It'd be the shortest parole in history.
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