IF you are gonna relist the same crap for years on end

I dont need money either so bad i have to sell (usually)

But if i list something its WITH the intention of selling. Some of the classifieds might as well read "yes higher than retail, probably wont sell but really hoping for a ****ing idiot to buy"

Its like why list if you know nothing will come of it. Its like those losershoes who holler at a woman while they are driving by, like whats the point? you aren't going to seal a deal with a drive by holler

You know price/repetitive/redundant add Rants are officially reserved for Wednesdays... I think if you deviate from that, you have to have a forbearance permission from Biker and Palmetto Moon. Just sayin'!
Are these people being paid cause they add bulk or filler to ODT or do these ads really keep getting relisted by "hopefuls"?

I get paid by the post...

I gave a Nigerian prince (he said he owned the site) all my banking information... I'm just waiting on the millions... :)
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