I'm trying to stay calm... the sheriff has warned me....

Shame? He looks at child pornography. I'm pretty sure shame, or any semblance of normalcy or humanity has long ago left the reservation. I saw him once. He is a pile of disgusting.
Well, I'd do everything I could to make his life hell.

Somebody told me once that people convicted of these crimes aren't allowed to have social media accounts. The person they were talking about was in SC though, so GA laws may be different. Look into it and see. If it is illegal, then see if he's on Facebook. If he is, then report him to the cops.
I have a professional counselor friend who was sharing with me the typical profile of these beast. I don't rember the exact stats but it was something along the lines of 20-60, white, male, professional, church attender, etc, etc, etc,. Her point being they could be anyone. Worst part is they are probably working with children in some capacity. The reality is, the easiest sex offender to protect our kids from is the one we know about. I see a couple of the ones on the list around here at Kroger once and awhile. What creeps me out is it always makes me wonder who's on the isle that's not on the list. Same counselor told me they tend to avoid kids that have really solid relationships with their parents. Of course that info makes me feel better about my kids safety but makes me despise the offender even more. They are hunting for the wounded :mad:
Yep, those animals are everywhere. Hell, probably reading this! I remember the first time I saw "To catch a predator." and it was very obvious it wasn't any of their first rodeos. If we knew the real numbers we'd all probably never let our kids leave the house!
Predators is the right word for them. They possess a sick type of evil that can't be remedied, other than with bullet holes.

I find it sickening that everyone must readjust to them. There should never be a list of sexual predators. They should not be allowed to live in society, period.

I would let him know how I feel without saying a word. Every time I drove by and saw him I would stop in the middle of the road and stare with the most psychotic stare I can muster up. I would take my time and stare him down long and hard, and I would do this every time I saw him. Even if he said something I would keep my silence and just evil stare. Make it clear you do not approve of his existence but keep him guessing. Make him think, "wth is wrong with this idot?" That's what I would do, for starters.
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