Improvised weapon ideas for low budget.

I use chemical warfare so as to let them smell/taste my innards

Gasoline and styrofoam

I first found out about this concoction as a pretty young kid in the 80's. Draining fuel from a small engine that we putting in a minibike frame, and the engine had gas in it. Next to me in the garage was a styrofoam cooler, and that looked like a good place to dump the gas (for a kid that didn't know better). At first, I didn't know what I had done because I was focused on getting that engine on the minibike so I could ride it, and when I came back to find the disintegrated cooler, I knew I had discovered something new and cool "magic" that I could show my buddies.... We called it "fire putty" after lots of investigation and testing this new material we discovered (we made and used a lot of it). 🤫
Back in the day a 13/16” socket in da pocket could be deployed briskly by a clinched fist to put the starch on a week chined assailant. Nowadays a good streamlight EDC light does almost as good but lacks the weight of the chromoly steel so you just gotta turn the hip a bit more for adequate force needed for the KO…
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