knockout king game perp shot and killed.

Punch a victim until their arms get tired....not broken.

You are correct. That was not is this article. I should not have added without the link. But i remember reading that was part of the game in a article.

Black mobs, and black on white crime are common and under reported.
police refuse to do anything in alot of cases. Prosecuters refuse to proecute or consider it a hate crime in most cases.
His grandfather said he was mentally limited and didn't deserve this. Did all his victims deserve this?

Of course he was mentally challenged. He, along with his buddies thought that going around and ganging up on people was cool. No one with any sense about them would think that's ok, so in my opinion, that would make you mentally challenged.

I wonder why his Grandfather doesn't mention anything about why his 15 year old Grandson was allowed to hang out with his buddies at 1:30 am? You can't give someone at that age that much leeway, they will do bad things.

Seems to me that these guys got more than they bargained for when they went looking for a fight this time. Maybe this will make his "friends" think about where their life is headed, but I doubt it.
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