Lessons Learned - Chinese Flu

Some people, who have become common faces because of their long time use as an "expert" by main stream media, end up being the ones with the most bogus information of all. When is the last time Judge Napolitano was right on a legal matter? Dr. Marc Siegel of Fox News has been totally wrong on all maters pertaining to the WuFlu.

Lesson: Long term main stream media "Experts" are generally far, far away from anything resembling a true expert.
It's best to have multiple sources of information. Ideal sources need to be honest, ideology free, analytical, data driven and with differing conclusions. Beware of confirmation bias.
Sell unprofitable stocks at the early warning and buy more stable ones after it hits. I could have made a few grand off a pharma stock in Jan. Bought more Exxon, which is up 15% From what I paid already!
Many elected "Public Servants" at all levels - local, state, and federal - morph from Servant to Master overnight. There is no longer any need to keep the tyrant in the closet. To H3LL with the constitution. Your new master knows best! Kiss the ring or else.
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