Marijuana and Violence study

And if consuming it is ruining the lives of others? You don't exist in a vacuum.

None of us live in a vacuum when it comes to literally everything we do. Drugs are no exception.

But what does making a drug illegal help in that regard?

All it does is make it difficult for a user to seek treatment, put them in legal jeopardy (which costs others billions to deal with) for a 'crime' against themselves, and force them to give money to organized crime to support their habit.

I won't even mention the public health aspects of addicts sharing needles and getting contaminated drugs. Us 'others' are paying for all that 'free' health care as well, when in reality clean, pharmaceutical-quality drugs and supplies would eliminate the whole issue.

We've seen again and again that prohibition of anything just drives people into the arms of people willing to supply it, giving them the money and incentive to become major criminal enterprises.

Telling people what plants and chemicals they can and can't put in their body is a nanny-state on steroids.

We won't make any progress on 'the drug problem' until we get drug use out of the legal system and let the medical system start dealing with it as their issue.
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