Never Forgot (threads merged)

Well... he's a politician. You tell me.
When ANYTHING is possible except that which counters your own desires, then therein lies the problem.

Never saw that video until today, but it makes since, we already took out Libya, Syria is a cluster right now, and Iran was what I was briefed on right before the "Surge" in Afghanistan
Show me on this doll how building 7 fell at the speed of free fall.

Building 7 didn't fall at free fall speed.

Go find a video of the collapse that shows the top of the structure from an angle that shows the smaller portions at the top. Time the actual fall and do the math yourself.

The truther videos where they claim building 7 fell at free fall speed do not show those portions of the building. Some have been edited so that you do not see those portions. Ask your self why they would edit the video like that. Reminds of of the media editing a video to show a white supremicist with an AR at an event where President Obama spoke... only the supposed white supremicist was African American.

Neither of the towers fell at free fall speed either.

When a major part of the theory is a LIE how does the rest of it stack up?
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