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Nah, we got lowballing, neckbeard tire kickers from the South too.
Authored by the king himself. I have an autographed 1st edition.
I've been nothing but a solid member since I joined and have offered some great deals. Making it a me problem doesn't stick.
There's a few of us still out there. There's been times where I'm not actively on ODT and never get the notification email. That's been the only time I've not responded in a timely manner.
Means you did not bid high enough or the item was sold.

Also if the item is for trade. Always assume it’s heavily in their favor or they will not reply. If they ask for pics then more pics and more pics rest assured this person is just wasting your time.
This happened to me - sent the new member a terse note admonishing him for the behavior and he gave me negative feedback for it.

Got it removed but the action shows the mindset.

Sent from my 6165S using Tapatalk
This happened to me - sent the new member a terse note admonishing him for the behavior and he gave me negative feedback for it.

Got it removed but the action shows the mindset.

Sent from my 6165S using Tapatalk
Rejected negs should be viewable in the neg-giver's profile.

But probably not allowed - it might cause too much laughter.

I wonder if there's a private channel where the mods share the best-of-the-best with each other?
Gotsta be some perks to the job.
What's the deal with you folks who don’t respond to messages? Sure, somehow your insulted by the offer but is it that hard to say no thanks or just plain, NO. 2 letters.

I remember when I moved here 7 years ago I was told how everyone was so polite in the south. Once you get past sir and ma'am it’s a lot of bless your heart. So no different than anywhere else I have lived.

I also just would expect more from the gun community that typically has a higher level of respect and common courtesy.

Look forward to the responses.
I agree a simple NO is not too much to ask for, however.....

Welcome to the NEW South. It's becoming just like the craaappy place you left.

I respond to offers, even the bad ones. However I usually don't get responses from offers I made - just the way it is now,
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