Pine Log WMA may be no more soon. A lot of it is now on the market.

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They're building hundreds of future gov subsidized crap houses behind me. Have completely destroyed the quality of life in Ghetto Grove and Henry county in general.
They ruin the livability of whatever ****hole they come from and then move here to do the same to us.
The crime rate has grown exponentially and yet they always seem surprised when it effects them despite the fact that they brought it with them.
I'm about 7 miles east towards Canton off Hwy 20. I'll be moving before that monstrosity takes root.
I’m actually barely on the map, and may have seen you driving around Canton (if there is something on your vehicle that may signify who you are).
They're building hundreds of future gov subsidized crap houses behind me. Have completely destroyed the quality of life in Ghetto Grove and Henry county in general.
They ruin the livability of whatever ****hole they come from and then move here to do the same to us.
The crime rate has grown exponentially and yet they always seem surprised when it effects them despite the fact that they brought it with them.
Like a swarn of locust destroying everything in their path then moving on to the next field. The Katrina locust were bad enough, but this new super swarm will literally destroy Georgia in record time.
Like a swarn of locust destroying everything in their path then moving on to the next field. The Katrina locust were bad enough, but this new super swarm will literally destroy Georgia in record time.
It's a plague alright, they strip the resources and bring nothing of value to the community.
It’s insane. I shot a subdivision last year in Buford, the entire thing was roughly 800 houses finished and 100% of the occupants were ny tags.

FYI, lots of the houses I see be built new in sone of these subdivisions there’s no way they’re square. Framing crews will be drinking and have an entire house dried in and everything literally from pouring the pad to dried in in 3 weeks. They’ll have a finished home in 6 weeks. It’s outrageous. I watched a Mexican dude fall off the roof from being drunk last year on a house in peach tree city and his colleagues just looked down and though oh well and went back to work. It blows my mind lol

This is so spot on. They are building a new subdivision up the road from us. It is supposed to be a minimum of 1500 sq. ft., but they sure look tiny. They are throwing these houses up about 30 days after the pad is poured. I saw one house where folks were moving in while the landscapers were still laying the sod.
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