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Please enable your ad comments.

Locked is now default. It doesn't matter since nothing moves on here.

Locked comments
NO shipping
BOS is required

We need to add another auto requirement No driving to meet.

I think its better if it's left up to the seller to fill in all this. If they are too stupid to get it right, then I probably don't want to deal with them anyways.
Better yet, I would like a way to lock out all locked ads, so I don't have to even see them.

Place them on Ignore and you wont see them.
Before this became a default setting I had over 300 members on Ignore.
Everyone that locked their ads automatically went on Ignore.
My theory... If they don't want to discuss their ad then I don't want to see it.
Place them on Ignore and you wont see them.
Before this became a default setting I had over 300 members on Ignore.
Everyone that locked their ads automatically went on Ignore.
My theory... If they don't want to discuss their ad then I don't want to see it.

Well I've never put anyone on ignore for a locked comment, I do have over 100 on ignore, because they are lame, stupid, rude, or inconsiderate.
Place them on Ignore and you wont see them.
Before this became a default setting I had over 300 members on Ignore.
Everyone that locked their ads automatically went on Ignore.
My theory... If they don't want to discuss their ad then I don't want to see it.

But most of those probably didn't even realize it was locked when they posted since it never defaulted to locked before the latest change.
But most of those probably didn't even realize it was locked when they posted since it never defaulted to locked before the latest change.

You did not read my comment. I said "BEFORE" this became default. Meaning they had to lock the ads physically .
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