Ps4 vs xbox one

I say neither. I hate playstation. will never own another of any model.

I love my xbox 360 though. I plan to keep it. and no, i don't mind $40-60 a year for a gold membership. if you watch gamestop sales when a big name game is released you can find the 1 year prepaid cards for gold accounts that feature that game on them at $10-20 off. and if you set up your account on a credit or debit to auto-renew, the longer you go, the deeper the discount on 1 year gold accounts you get. I've found a lot of people do not know that.

as for buying an xbox1, i may after its been out at least a year. reason being is the rumors about no used games and no 360 backwards compatability. i want to wait till it is released and listen to what everyone says about it. the main reason i plan to wait is i remember all the problems the first generation of xbox 360s had. and im not spending $500+ till the first gen problems are fixed on the xbox1 and i think that anyone who does is crazy.
I've been a 360 guy(when I can play) for years, but after reading the specs on the X1, I think it's PS4 time unless they change things up. Namely, the 'must always be online', and the always on DRM sorta spook me. I don't hack my systems, I know a detected system gets bricked, but I don't like that it has to check in with microsoft daily, and the no used games garbage.
......... the 'must always be online', and the always on DRM sorta spook me.........

im going with the PS4

xbox is just shooting themselves in the foot with this new platform

they are trying to bring cloud computing to the next level, but want to charge folks for it, which erases any incentive to begin with

microsoft can suck it, im a huge xbox fan and have the 360, but wont get the xbox1 ever
yup I am going to ps4
I'll stick with my 360 for a while. The XboxOne is not able to play the older xbox and 360 games. I cant keep up with the technology. Btw, I still love getting out the old PS2 for some timeless games.
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