Rabbit Gum

we used hardware cloth in the back for easy viewing and the animals seemed to think it was a log.Yea catch a possum or skunk and you needed to smoke up the box.Had many a good time with rabbit boxes and turtle traps fish baskets and quail traps.Old ways disappearing fast

speaking of I found a old quail trap a couple years ago, it took me a few to figure out what it was
If its a skunk you know before you get to the gum. If it is a squirrel it takes longer to get him to let go of you than it does to for you to get a hold of him.
I forgot all about those. We made them when I was a kid. Yes, we had wood when I was a kid. No we did not catch small dinosaurs in them.
That's just an old time rabbit box.My relatives in the mountains always said you'll catch more in them if you use old wood like from an old barn or something.
My Father had several of these on our lease in Talbot County when I was younger. I remember that he used some old oak boards and some other rough cut lumber. He put chicken wire on the back so he could see what he caught. We attached a piece of thin sheet metal to the hole where the trigger stick's notch went. It worked like a hair trigger.
I make half a dozen or so a year and put them in the flower beds for looks. Seems like every other time I have company, I get talked out of a few.
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