Retail Internet Sales Tax for Georgia Residents Starts 1/1/2019

lets put this into a perspective...
this could be a movie of the week....
palmettomoon owns a coffee shop and toilet paper store. fatalbert loves him some poop'n. he is a big guy and eats a lot of waffle house and krystal. because of this,he uses a lot of wipe.. he buys 100 bucks worth of wipe a week...krystals you know. he stops every morning at moon's grounds and wipes for his morning coffee, nice and bold for a loose bowel. he could buy his rolls of "brown hole bulldozers" when he gets his coffee,but it would cost an extra 7 bucks a week, thats 364 bucks a year..thats like 3 1/2 weeks of wiping for free...
now that fatalbert has to pay tax on it,he just picks it up when he buys his coffee,and he discovers one of the "coolest"things ever on the impulse buy rack at the check out.... CROD POWDER!!!! he can sprinkle the boys and the in valley of mud on those hot summer days...
the moral of the story????
if you charge sales tax on online sales, palmettomoon makes a little more money every week, and people dont smell fatalberts swamp @$$ as much in the summer..
all people and places in this story are fictional. any similarities to real people and places living or dead are completely coincidental.
copyright poopdaddy productions MMXIX. use of this story by any persons or entities is strictly prohibited...:becky::becky::becky:

Sounds good, as long as we're talking about how taxes help small business we might as well make up other fictions too :lol:
Sounds good, as long as we're talking about how taxes help small business we might as well make up other fictions too :lol:
this is your fictional.. you say your expanding into internet sales..
you have just purchased the all new Macon tactical mall ninja life sized palmettomoon cardboard cut out (optional date night accessory kit extra)for resale. everyone,and i mean everyone on the odt wants one(some with the date night accessory kit,but we wont get into that). but in steals and deal,dont you know it......fatmushmouth in North Carolina has the same things at the same price....but no sales tax on internet most of the odt buys from him....with free shipping...
who lost money???

how about this.
you buy $12000 a year in body wash(you are either real clean or lonely:becky:), you buy 10k off line and 2k local. at 7% tax the state of GA gets 140 bucks a year in tax revenue. but it loses $700. 51 other people have the exact buying habits.
so the state every year gets $7280 a year. now this is the same state that wastes our tax money on crap,but also paves roads,pays cops,firefighters,and school teachers.. so if you and the 51 other people spend 12k a year and pay tax on it,that 7280 turns into $43680...sound like starting pay for a cop,firefighter,or teacher..or maybe a 5k a year raise for 8.7 cops,firefighters,or teachers. and this is just 52 people out of a state of about 10.4 million..
just saying,i am not a fan of taxes,but they are here to stay. if they are here to stay, they should not be geographically subjective..
sell here,collect here..
can you see any of this???
I do have a tax ID number and know all about wholesalers. I have several accounts with different gun dealers and sporting supplies. And I'd be willing to bet your wholesaler charges more than Amazon for rubber gloves so no thanks.
then you adjust accordingly. but if its cheaper to pay the tax do so,then itemize it and write it off. look at the form, that would qualify for use tax exemption.. then you just turn in that amount less than your collected tax.. it does not hurt your business, and takes about a minute longer on the e-form every month if you do your own, or another piece of paper to your CPA..
Okay Poop. That thar tears it! I'm reporting you for going on about how good looking I am an inciting deviants to have unnatural urges.
Okay Poop. That thar tears it! I'm reporting you for going on about how good looking I am an inciting deviants to have unnatural urges.
View attachment 1944934
i thought you's like it..maybe get you a date from that walk guy when he gets back...
just trying to make my point and make a few laugh,and in a subtle way introduce a few guys to crod powder....cause dang,a summer meet and great can smell like slimjim's and a midtown men's room...
From the AJC article:

"President Donald Trump praised the ruling, as did brick-and-mortar store owners who felt they were at a disadvantage against online retailers who could sell products without the tax. They said that allowed internet retailers to undercut them on pricing products".
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