Retail Internet Sales Tax for Georgia Residents Starts 1/1/2019

Coming from the guy who thinks taxing people more money is gonna help small business :pound:

i have stated i dont like taxes,paying or collecting them. i have stated that our forefathers (ie grandparent and great grandparents for the few who think i said founding fathers) agreed or did not fight against sales tax in the 1930s. so now sales tax is a part of our lives.. but anyone stupid enough to think giving online sellers a minimum discount of the local sales tax is not an unfair advantage is on something.
others have stated if it costs as much online as it does in stores,they wont buy.then state the the difference in tax is not enough to alter buying patterns...
come on man...
the community versus online sales thing is a stupid one

what about the local businesses that ship?? i know for instance stamp and coin has a shop in northcrest mall but they do 85% of their sales online; they use the shop as a place to store inventory and as a shipping hub

naw, this tax is bull**** and any benefit claimed is invented
ask stamp and coin...
you have a choice, but one stamp and one coin online.. you live in Ga and will have it shipped. it will cost you 10 bucks. it will take one day to deliver.
you can order from stamp and coin and pay sales tax. or you can order from coin and stamp( fictional business for comparison) in Al. it will take the same time to get it no matter who you order it from. you chose coin and stamp.. it will take the same amount of time to get,but you will save the sales tax...
this is what i am talking about. the advantage to out of state sales hurts the in state sales..
but its just a tax grab and they are just out to get you...:doh:
you guys need to look at the big picture..beyond the consumer point of view. out of state online sales are hurting in state businesses. we need to support our state,and if you guys wont do it to save 7%, the i am happy to see you lose that discount. i am happy to lose it myself. i want my the money from my state to be spent here. i want my local gun shops to be able to compete. i will happily pay $214 bucks for an upper local,and not 200 online.
but i see what money spent local does,i wish you did..
put your kid in the front yard with a lemonade stand. your neighbor puts his kid in his front yard with a stand as well.
you guys are right on the city/county line. in the city,you have to collect tax, in the county you dont.
the very minimum you can sell the lemonade for is $1 per cup. your neighbor buys the stuff to make lemonade from the exact same place as you. his kid cant sell any cheaper than $1 per cup.
the only market difference is an invisible line drawn on a map. but because you must collect sales tax in the city,you only have one choice. sell for $1.07. so the same people walk by and look at the lemonade stands, your kids and your neighbors.
so in that market place, you kid sells fewer cups, you neighbors kid sells out...
fair would be,dont collect tax. but thats not gonna happen. so the only fair that works is to charge tax in the county.
now this is an over simplification, and you guys can try and punch holes in it. but is is just a simple example of market dynamics. you can say the people on your block would be fair,or you would pay the tax or whatever..
thats not the point, the point is, if you have competition in the same market,you should not have to compete against a unfair legislated. a perfect world,we do away with the tax, in the one we live in,everyone should have to collect them....
If a train is traveling east at blah blah blah blah blah.

Nobody was given a "discount", They still had to collect taxes for residents of their state same as you. They still had the exact same regulations and taxes to collect as you. You could sell to people in other states and not collect tax as well, because wait for it.... You shouldn't have to collect taxes for states you don't reside or own property in!

This is just another tax put at the feet of the individual everyday working American. Claiming it as some discount given to out of state sellers is flat out false. They had absolutely no advantage you didn't. Oh boo hoo they could sell parts to my customers without charging them tax, well guess what? You could sell people in their state parts without charging tax too.

Nobody had any kind of advantage, absolutely no discounts were being given.
This is a tax on the individual consumer.
No business should be forced to collect taxes for 49 states that they own no property or assets in.
My head hurts from the circular logic in this thread

Ill make it simple

Taxes = bad for consumers
Consumers = good for economy
Gov = taxes

i get it..
you guys are unable to comprehend this. you cant see the problem. taxes suck! small businesses have a hard enough time competing in a market place as it is. i can give you example after example and try and break it down to a fisher price level. you still cant understand. you say you wont buy because of the charging of sales tax,but say it wont help small business who are forced to collect tax. you cant understand that these online sellers in a e-commerce environment....they are all local businesses!!!! when you decide not to go the the store to buy an item,choose to buy it online,you have just purchased from a local store.....your lap top is the new store,you guys have said it yourselves. since the selling market place has changed.the store is located on your device!
you may hate it, but thats how it is..
taxes dont raise the cost of production, they raise the cost of sales. people love to save money, people will lose 15 to 30 min. of their day to save 2 cents a gallon on 15 gallons of gas. they will only see the savings and not think of the value of their time.
i can match some online pricing, but i cant eat the tax , match pricing and cover overhead.
now i will be able to match prices,and this will help sales. like it or not, it will improve the local marketplace.
it will also bring more revenue in all states. it will bring revenue from overseas sales. when you buy china junk online,you will pay tax on it. i think it will help with unscrupulous sellers. these guys that only sell out of state,only sell drop ship items and never touch inventory,the guys who sell fake eotechs as real. these guys will be forced to get a tax number. once they do, it will help fight some of the knock off junk. if they sell fake,you complain,and the state can pull the tax id,they cant sell in state anymore. lots of things will be helped,just wait.
you guys enjoy feeling like you have been wronged. keep forgetting the free ride we have all enjoyed for years.
i cant make it any more simple. i wont try anymore.
adam smiths ghost is triggered by your economics

Simple question, with the Internet taxes now applied do you anticipate people buying more, less, or the same? (Not asking where people will choose to dhop, im asking if this will cause more or less aggregate sales)
i get it..
you guys are unable to comprehend this. you cant see the problem. taxes suck! small businesses have a hard enough time competing in a market place as it is.

And yet you encourage the government to further inflict them on others? How about we stop allowing/using the government and their taxes as punitive measures against people we don't like? Taxes are supposed to be levied to cover real costs incurred by the government. Not to interfere with the economy or make things "fair". All it does is punish business & consumers and feeds an already overfed beast.

STOP with the logical fallacy that getting the government more involved in something, or pulling more tax dollars out of the economy is going to help anyone. Let the market work itself out without government interference!
And yet you encourage the government to further inflict them on others? How about we stop allowing/using the government and their taxes as punitive measures against people we don't like? Taxes are supposed to be levied to cover real costs incurred by the government. Not to interfere with the economy or make things "fair". All it does is punish business & consumers and feeds an already overfed beast.

STOP with the logical fallacy that getting the government more involved in something, or pulling more tax dollars out of the economy is going to help anyone. Let the market work itself out without government interference!
i have owned a business since 2005. i have seen the effects the internet has on small business first hand.
like it or not,we pay sales tax and i collect it. the fallacy is this is somehow wrong.
non taxable internet sales take money out of the local economy. it entices people to buy online,it is not the only factor,but it is a big one. i get that you guys could care less about local business. you would sacrifice your neighbor to save a few percent. you would cry that walmart ran all the little stores out,but shopped at walmart as the red and white store slowly closed its doors. you are the same bunch that cried about paying ad valorem tax on a used car,"they are stealin' my money". but now your tag costs 20 bucks a year and the only person who may have lost money on that deal...the guy who can buy a new car every few years.

you guys dont care about small business and one of you owns on. he cant get over the fact he has to pay tax on Chinese gloves,but could subtract that tax money out of what he pays every month..
you can say we should change it, but what you mean is someone should change it for you...
sales tax is a part of our country,i dont like it, you dont like it,but its here. so to give sellers a leg up in our state,for no other reason then not being here is stupid..
so you guys can get off your butts and change the sales tax laws or suck it up,shut it up,and pay them!!
end of story
i am out
cry all you want,but this is a good thing.the only thing better would be abolish all tax.. but then you guys would cry when your roads dont get paved,you kids cant go to school,and your house burns down.
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