What about the scene on Endo. Thw tie fighters were mixing it up with the rebels and the laser cannon was taking out the rebels.
The BLIND Chinese guy blew into his hand picked up his weapon and not only shot down the tie fighter, but the tie fighter crashed into the laser cannon taking it out of the fight.
So what part of that was luck in a Star Wars flick? I know! It was in the script!
OK, yeah I forgot about that scene. I can't deny that was pretty unbelievable. It didn't ruin the movie for me though. Like I said, all the Star Wars movies have holes in their stories and plots, but it's all just make-believe anyway and I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan, so it would take ALOT to make me not like a Star Wars movie. Although Lucas DID manage to do it with Episodes 1 and 2.

If only there was an "online free cinema" site....maybe i should google it?
Man, I was battling popups like crazy when when I did some googling!
OK, yeah I forgot about that scene. I can't deny that was pretty unbelievable. It didn't ruin the movie for me though. Like I said, all the Star Wars movies have holes in their stories and plots, but it's all just make-believe anyway and I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan, so it would take ALOT to make me not like a Star Wars movie. Although Lucas DID manage to do it with Episodes 1 and 2.

Man, I was battling popups like crazy when when I did some googling!
Like I was saying, it was a good movie. It had some obvious flaws. Jyn Erso is Handcuffed and being escorted to meet the rebel council. So why does she have a blaster on her right hip if she is handcuffed?

If they had some real military advisors giving tactical advice they wouldn't have treated the rogue one ground forces like ewoks. Or at least put up a better battle while retreating.

The blind cleric was a close no cigar character. The robot K-2so provided some comic relief, but again close, no cigar.

The rebels jumped to hyperspace to escape devastation when when Jyn Erso met with saw gerrere. So why don't they try to steal a ship to escape after they have transmitted the information?

It's not in the script. Fighters don't sit down on the beach to die.
Just got back from seeing the movie with my 12 year old twin boys.

We all loved it! Sprang for the 3-D and special sound system and powered reclining leather seats.

I thought this episode was "gritier" if that makes any sense. I don't over-analyze the plot lines - I'm a simpleton and want to sit back and be entertained and today I was! I did appreciate Rogue's blaster being based off of a P08 Luger!

My boys were like, we're not used to movies where all the good guys don't make it out alive!

No sequel for you!

And the way this movie led PERFECTLY into episode four was GREAT!
Loved the first three, hated the next three and the last one was ok. What I need to know is this worth going to the theater for?
Yes it's worth it. I've seen it twice. And to those bitching about technical details it's called suspension of disbelief. Just sit back watch the movie and enjoy it for what it is. It's modern myth...more science fantasy then science fiction.
I saw it the other day, and thought it was the best SW movie since The Empire Strikes Back. Loved that it has no f'ing kiddies in it, or cuddly toy tie-ins.

Massive, massive plot problems with data storage solutions, terminals, antennas, and how exactly did all those fighters get underneath the shield-- while they're desperately trying to lower the shield so that... the fighters can get through?

Still, a great movie. I have no interest in watching any more of the "main line" movies. Janitor makes hero did it for me.
Massive, massive plot problems with data storage solutions, terminals, antennas, and how exactly did all those fighters get underneath the shield-- while they're desperately trying to lower the shield so that... the fighters can get through?

The shield "door" was still open and some of the fighters got through before they closed it. Watch closely next time where one of the X-Wings didn't quite pull up in time after they closed it and smacked into it like it was a wall of ice. The rebels were trying to lower the shield so the transmission with the Death Star plans could get out to the rebel fleet. Awesome spectacle when the corvette rammed the disabled Star Destroyer and pushed it into the shield door to open it back up!

Definitely go watch the "original" Star Wars Episode IV, the battle they are referring to in the opening summary is Scarif.

oh, and Darth Vader storming the rebel flagship- damn that shows he was really holding back when he was fighting Luke!
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