Seatbelt Snitch?

I say B/S on this as well.
Why don't they make kids on the school bus wear seatbelts? Can someone tell me the answer to that?

I hear you. The only person on a school bus required to buckle is the driver. My theory is that if there are only two belts on a seat it limits the number of kids that can be transported, I have seen several buses with three to a seat.
If you are over18 you should be able to make your own choice. It will be a matter between you and the insurance company if you're not wearing one and get injured.
Wear your seatbelt. You paid for it when you bought the vehicle. Get full utility from the money you spent.
I hear you. The only person on a school bus required to buckle is the driver. My theory is that if there are only two belts on a seat it limits the number of kids that can be transported, I have seen several buses with three to a seat.
If you are over18 you should be able to make your own choice. It will be a matter between you and the insurance company if you're not wearing one and get injured.

It isn't that simple. We all pay for the idiots that don't wear seatbelts. How many do you think have medical insurance or pay their bill? We all pay for 'ones choice' not to wear a seat belt and incur 100k in medical bills not paid when the belt would have let them leave with a scratch. It is a rare circumstance that NOT wearing a seat belt is better than wearing one. If our society wasn't 'must medically treat regardless to ability to pay' then we wouldn't need many laws meant to protect.
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