Shot Show----2017

Going to take back my 'why do we need another striker fired 9mm' comment up above.

After hearing a podcast (Daniel Shaw on Gunfightercast) talking with the owners, this actually does seem to be a pretty cool design. I don't know if they will succeed, but it sounds like this gun has some real clever work put in to fix a lot of issues in existing designs.
You talking about that polymer thing from last year? Lol

THis thing.....I'd rather own up and shoot a HP.

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I'd pick it up for a $300 or less truck gun.
For $300 it's possible to pick up an M&P 40 police trade-in. At least that is a proven design that works reliably, or spend a couple bucks more and get a Canik TP9SF... or a beat up SKS. I saw an ad for the Remington over the weekend and I think it was priced at $299, but I'm balking, even at that price. The SD 9 is under $300, right? I want to like this gun, I really do, but I find it to be a challenge.
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