SHTF Barrier

I would opt for a more "decorative" fence. Maybe a nice wood fence or something with the single strand barbed wire (or electric is operational) carefully placed near the top but behind the top of the decorative one. I also like the specific trees to fall with the chainsaw. Tactically placed shrubs around the house too. "Storm shutter"s in the basement ready for install if needed. Brackets and bars to "bar" the doors close by.
Those who would break into your home would see your house protected by a defensive fence, and think your house has the good stuff, rather than the unprotected neighbor's house that was probably picked clean by every common thief that has passed by. It's the same concept as locks only keep out honest people, but not those who intend to break in. You want to avoid having your stuff stolen in SHTF? Make your house look like it's already looted clean from the outside, go dark, stay dark, stay out of sight, but be ready to defend you and yours with deadly force. Locks only give you a second or two warning to be ready for whomever is coming through that door, and fences scream "I'm protecting my stuff!"
this...make it look like it has fire damage....
I think the idea is to deter the lazy criminal first......for those more ambitious individuals who still want to get to your good stuff, I would much rather have an additional 5-10 seconds to take a shot at a mostly stationary target that does not have the ability to immediately return fire as he is somewhat preoccupied with a six foot speed bump and pulling barbed wire our of his a SHTF situation I want every little advantage I can get.....that advantage could make all the difference.
I think the idea is to deter the lazy criminal first......for those more ambitious individuals who still want to get to your good stuff, I would much rather have an additional 5-10 seconds to take a shot at a mostly stationary target that does not have the ability to immediately return fire as he is somewhat preoccupied with a six foot speed bump and pulling barbed wire our of his a SHTF situation I want every little advantage I can get.....that advantage could make all the difference.
I don't disagree.....I think you can do the same with landscaping with plants that have thorns and such....
My point is, if there was some raiders down the street picking through homes and they glance down the neighborhood road and see this one house surrounded in defensive fencing, what do you suppose they would decide to take a little detour and check out said house?
My point is, if there was some raiders down the street picking through homes and they glance down the neighborhood road and see this one house surrounded in defensive fencing, what do you suppose they would decide to take a little detour and check out said house?

I'm of the mindset that I want my castle to be as hardened as possible. Spineless thieves will usually take the path of least resistance to minimize the time pilfering and reduce the likelihood of getting caught.
I don't disagree that you should improve your defenses, but wouldn't effective defenses that don't draw attention to themselves work even better? I don't know, I subscribe to the Greyman method of blending in and not advertising what you have. Keep your cards close to the vest, so they say. What about a fence that looks like a regular wood fence, but is "augmented" against someone climbing over it like Wozbean said? I respect your position, but if it was my home I'd go with the fake burn damage trick and stay out of sight instead. I can see I-85 less than two hundred yards away from my ground floor patio. I know there is no way I can defend against every city thug that might come wandering up that way out of Atlanta, but where I live is also somewhat inconspicuous so my best bet is to go low profile. I figure there's always someone bigger, badder, or more heavily armed out there, and I don't want their attention in a SHTF scenario. Man, I wish I could find a nice 3-5 acres further out in the country that I could afford to build a house on. I'll get there someday. :P
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