Be the gray man. Don't give anyone an excuse to be looking at you. I doubt your scenario would come to pass. What you are describing is more like being on the run in a police state with massive resources. Hilary didn't win. If SHTF than the government's infrastructure would be damaged as well and their resources stretched pretty thin. Unless you really kicked the beehive I'm sure they would have other concerns. As far as SHTF weapons. Use what you are comfortable with, can maintain, and have ammo for. There is no such thing as a jack of all trades tool. Learn the limitations of your chosen weapon system and plan ahead to stay within them.
I really like your response. And I agree 110% with blending in and looking just all the kthy sheep. Even if I had the resources I wouldn't do vehicles that stand out. I don't even do stickers on our existing vehicles. Plain cars in plain colors. But the bug out bags are in both of them.
Do as the Talib' do. With all our gagets we still gotta walk boots up a mountain into a cave a shoot that b------ in the face. Sure drones get a lot of kills and A10 gun runs do work, but a lot of guys still have to be found and killed the old fashioned way.
The answer to your question is easy. Big Gov is not is powerful as you think.

Yes, if YOU make noise it will grease you like the ssqueaky wheel you are but if you are smart, play it cool and hit hard but fast you could do some damage. Just look @ the war on terrorism to see how effective big gov truly is.

Maybe in a SHTF the ROE will be changed but no telling. That's assuming the Gov keeps paying its ppl. Remember it's only as strong as the man pulling the trigger, flying the drone or piloting the A-10.
I partially agree. Terrorist target easy targets. Cops in a bar, troops at a post. Not saying it doesn't happen but you rarely if never see a well guarded military instalation on US soil crippled because of terrorism.

Terrorist seem to focus on the weak to cause "terror" towards people that are normally defenseless. Prey on women and children not big government. 911 targeted evey day citizens.
No nuclear plants or military installations. Biggest fear from terrorism is a suitcase with no owner sitting in the Atlanta airport or New Years at a bar. Not area 51 or Robins AFB.

I honestly don't see how a ban will keep them out. It may slow them down but they are already here and others can always walk across Mexico or Canada borders.

Government including our own has and will make an person disappear. I don't have proof but, they are willing to experiment on people with possible unkown and deadly side effects they are willing to drop you in an acid bath to scratch an itch.
I not scared therefore terrorism doesn't work for me.
SHTF? No one is 100% ready. If you think you are, you are mistaken.

Zombies? What you smokin?
Turn off your tv or just shoot it.
A lot of prepared people lack experience which in turns exposes potential weakness of the heart. Only the ones who've been in a gunfight truly KNOW how they'll react to combat. Preparedness and training help facilitate the heart and mind to cooperate with the situation, but it's a love triangle when it gets down to brass tax
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