Tats, sleeves, socks, why the whole body covering attraction

When the TV show Pit Bulls and Parolees first came on years ago, all the girls were very pretty and looked nice and I suspect very nice people. Anybody that rescues animals are okay in my book.
However, now after associating with all the prison parolee guys they all look like punked up sluts. They still do good work and are nice people but difficult to look at, at least for me.
Tats are not for everyone that is for sure. I will never understand judging someone because they have ink. They very well could be the nicest person you would ever meet or maybe not. Who knows. Freedom is an awesome thing, to each their own live and enjoy. I have in and have an almost complete sleeve. I love my ink and have enjoyed the process. I work in corporate america for fortune 500 company and wear short sleeves and do my job. Like I said to judge someone based on having ink is pretty dumb, but that is just me. Rock on and enjoy your life however you see fit.
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