Taurus PT 111 g2 Reviews?

I had an older couple in class tonight who had never owned any guns before but had just bought 3 new guns... a 12 ga., a 9mm Walther CCP, & a Taurus .38.
At one point during our time together he made the comment that "his pistol was only to fight his way to his shotgun".
I politely told him that when I hear that in a civilian context I call B.S.

That MIGHT be the case in your home but since most civvies leave their long gun at home or in their vehicle the fantasy of engaging one or more assailants in a running gun battle at the office or in a mall/ shopping center, etc. as you run to your vehicle to retrieve Ol' Betsy .... or back to your house in most cases is pretty unrealistic.

Sure the rifle is way more effective but as of right now, pistols are much more likely to be with you when you need one.
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