That Deputy has ZERO sense of humour


I got pulled over this morning...

When I was getting the registration from the glovebox my vape fell out.

The deputy said something to the effect of “You know the news says those things are killing people?”

I chuckled and said “Yeah, well they say the same thing about y’all”

He didn't laugh....

Aaaaaaand I got a ticket :(
And oh yeah... slow down will ya'? :boink:
You know, funny thing is Payneed is one of the most active members we have and pokes fun at most every thing, and enjoys an irreverent sense of humor.
And yet he can keep his comments within the rules and be reasonably respectful to those he may disagree with.
Payneed has ZERO points and only a handful of reminders.

Sorry payneed payneed I guess I just got you kicked out of the “cool kids club”

yall are confused..I make memes..

Sorry you got a ticket but I literally laughed out loud!

Yeah, Paynefree Paynefree 's memes are pretty funny...

thanks for the credit..

I use to think you were cool payneed payneed but Ken just ruined that for you.

yall got the wrong doug..
I think we should all start reporting payneed payneed 's memes. I've been told that it doesn't matter if a meme doesn't break any rules, if enough people report it then it gets deleted. So let's help payneed payneed get some points!

meme vanish.jpg
You know, funny thing is Payneed is one of the most active members we have and pokes fun at most every thing, and enjoys an irreverent sense of humor.
And yet he can keep his comments within the rules and be reasonably respectful to those he may disagree with.
Payneed has ZERO points and only a handful of reminders.

Sorry payneed payneed I guess I just got you kicked out of the “cool kids club”

You know, funny thing is Payneed is one of the most active members we have and pokes fun at most every thing, and enjoys an irreverent sense of humor.
And yet he can keep his comments within the rules and be reasonably respectful to those he may disagree with.
Payneed has ZERO points and only a handful of reminders.

Sorry payneed payneed I guess I just got you kicked out of the “cool kids club”

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