The NRA sucks

The NRA isn't exactly at their high point right now, that's for sure.

However there is literally no other organization that is even close to them when it comes to dealing with Capitol Hill.

People complain about having to pay the dues, but an annual membership is $35 I think, less than a couple of boxes of ammo. I also hear folks complain about getting the junk mail, but a call or email will stop that for good.

I try to give money to SAF and the NRA, since those are the two that get the most done. This year the Firearms Policy Coalition (the folks suing about the BS ban) will get the NRA's usual donation instead though.
The amount of the membership is insignificant...

But getting virtually nothing for that money but compromise is getting old. Really old.

The founders didn't need the NRA to ensure their rights were honored. They shot the tyrants.. hopefully in the face.

I hope things level out long before it comes to such things... but we are approaching a point of no return
What have you done for me lately?? When is the last time that the NRA was able to get any legislation passed that actually gave gun owners something? The NRA is slowly giving in to the other side. Why can't they at least get the HPA passed and get SBRs off the NFA list.
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