• ODT Gun Show & Swap Meet - May 4, 2024! - Click here for info

These new pop up ads on odt suck!

you guys aren't seeing the video window pop over in the bottom right of the screen? Is there and admin that can comment? If its a virus its very bad because I work in IT and I use this computer in our base code.

If you're in IT and haven't properly protected yourself, shame on you. If you're browsing the net on a source code or server asset, double shame.

Maybe the pop-ups only apply to non-supporters.

Negative - However, ABP and/or Chrome is probably blocking anything that could potentially be there. It's also possible my Watchguard Firewall proxy is blocking it.

I haven't seen any.

Oh ok. I thought that was him saying it was bad. Wouldn't want to have a thread on here causing people cpu problems

I suppose the thread should have a warning. "May cause carpal tunnel, blurred vision, drowsiness, and/or hairy palms. Do not operate heavy machinery while, or immediately after, viewing this thread."
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