This is the way you ride Deals gap.

funny the folks that don't like being passed. slow bikes and jacked up pick up trucks usually.

I have a harley but for the most part any half way decent riders on a sport bike should be able to go twice as fast on a curvy road even if the harley is ridden decently. It's just physics and ground clearance. lol.
funny the folks that don't like being passed. slow bikes and jacked up pick up trucks usually.

I have a harley but for the most part any half way decent riders on a sport bike should be able to go twice as fast on a curvy road even if the harley is ridden decently. It's just physics and ground clearance. lol.

I never understood why people get mad when someone passes them, in any vehicle. It has to be ego.

Now, if some jackass is aggressively tailgating me, that annoys me... Just flash you lights and let me you you have to get by... Doesn't matter to me if you just wanna go faster, or your pregnant wife just called from the ambulance on the way to the hospital and you are desperate to get there in time for the birth... Just don't be a complete dick about it and I will waive you on by.

On the flip side, I can't count how many times I am on a road like RBR and some slow ass Harley is actively trying to keep me from passing... Dude, I make more than twice the HP and weigh half as much... if I want to pass him, there really isn't anything he can do to stop it so why put up a fight? SMH...
I was on my Ultra in a right hand turn and had a pocket rocket pass me on the inside..and I was already over on the right side of the lane..He must have had a death wish, I used to always give them room to go around me on the left side.
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