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Sep 21, 2011
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There is a seminar in the works that may be very informative to a lot of people. Not only does it give info on the problem but it also offers a (if not the) solution.

Registration will begin Monday 2/24/2014


Come and Find Our True American History,

Why it is so Important Today and How You Can Make a Difference

Saturday March 22, 2014, 9am – 4pm, Marietta Ga.

Did You Know?

1. Did you know the U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that: “The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States”

2. Did you know that U.S. Supreme Court rulings have corroborated that Americans are not necessarily afforded the protections defined by the Bill of Rights?

3. Did you know that the first successful Marxist revolution occurred in America?

4. Did you know that the lawful American government established by our founding fathers was overthrown by a military coup that killed roughly 678,000 Americans?

5. Did you know that the first fascist government was not established in the 20th Century by Germany or Italy but in the 19th century by the reconstructed United States when the founding American principles were militarily and politically overthrown?

6. Did you know that the lawful Georgia state government was also overthrown by a political and military coup?

7. Did you know that the administration of a single President committed two dozen violations of the clear plain text in the U.S. Constitution and denied the rights of millions of Americans, to life, liberty, peace, property, free elections and free speech?

8. Did you know that the actual birth date of the current U.S. national government that presides over us today is not July 4, 1776 but March 2, 1867

9. Did you know that many of the problems we face today with such an intrusive U.S. national government resulted from the events mentioned above?

10. Would you like to know the true history of how we have departed so dramatically from the vision of our founding fathers?

It is our moral duty to our family, friends and fellow Americans to help establish a just self-government.​

America’s Remedy for Georgia​

According to the Jamestown and Pilgrim charters, the original settlers supposedly founded America for the glory of God. But since those times, things have gone wrong. There was slavery, the trail of tears, the Alien and Sedition Acts and now, infinite war. The founding fathers of the original government created a hierarchy under God of the people, the states and the federal government from top to bottom. In the 1860s, a “War Against the States” inverted the founding American principles. The subsequent reconstruction of America attempted to remove God and reverse the order with a supreme national government, subordinate states and subservient people. The unconstitutional war and reconstruction overthrew Jeffersonian principles that were established through the ballot box during America’s first 70 years and replaced them with a Hamiltonian aristocracy implemented through the barrel of a gun.

For the first time in Georgia, this conference will explain in historical depth exactly how it happened. It will include astounding legal and factual references. It will also provide practical, low risk, legal solutions for Georgians to start reclaiming their liberties from the supreme national government and reaffirming their direct relationship with God. The agenda of presentations is:

09:00 -The Military Overthrow of America – Garland Favorito

“How a War Against the States Inverted our American Governmental Structure”

· 10:30 - The Political Overthrow of America – John Ainsworth

“How America was Unconstitutionally Reconstructed”

· 12:00 – Lunch (catered)

· 01:00 – The Movement to Reclaim America – John Ainsworth

“How North Carolinians are Implementing the Remedy”

· 02:30 – The Workshop to Reclaim Georgia – John Ainsworth, Roger Ball

“Exercise Your Rights to Reclaim Your Georgia State Citizenship”-

04:00 - Adjourn

This conference will include a catered Bar B Que lunch and the total registration cost is only $20. We are honored to be hosted by Hope Presbyterian Chruch, which is conveniently located at the corner of Sandy Plains Rd. at Wigley Road:

Hope Presbyterian Church
4101 Sandy Plains Rd.
Marietta Ga. 30066​

For more information about our keynote speaker, John Ainsworth and American’s Remedy, you can visit the web site at: AmericasRemedy.com. Click the Counter Revolution video link on the home page for a 10 minute video that explains the details. You can also access the video on You Tube here:

· Counter Revolution Video (10 Min)

You can even send a text message with the phrase “Remedy4USA” from your phone to the # 28748 to get a preliminary mobile marketing message about the upcoming event.

To Register for the event click this icon:

http://img4mobi.com/n270/https:/my.acce ... y_link.png

America's crisis is your crisis!

Her Remedy is your Remedy.

Your Decision, Your Future!​

Are you concerned that our runaway, oppressive national government has ballooned out of control

Do you want to protect your freedom and preserve your prosperity from further erosion of your God given rights

The choice is yours. Continue the same path or help your fellow Georgians reverse direction to save our state and our country.

You can be a pioneer in restoring lost liberties for all Georgians in a lawful and peaceful counter revolution!

Your Decision, Your Future, Your Opportunity

Comes March 22nd 2014

Come discover the low risk, powerful legal remedy that has long been dormant and declare the remedy yours!
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I have been telling everyone I know about this for years and they never seem to care or believe me. Glad to finally see that I am not the only one who noticed what the "Civil War" and "Reconstruction" was really about. Slaves my @$$, that was only a minute portion of the real problem and political move to save Abe's butt. It is always really about power...
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