Under $50 survival must haves

That was funny! Back in the day when Boy Scouts actually used to teach some level of field craft we'd make a soup can survival kit. Basically some tape, wire, fishing line and a couple hooks, couple large black trash bags, a candle, waterproof matches or a fire starter were the basics. Whatever you could wrap on the outside of the can plus fit inside. Later we'd get fancier with small supplies of potassium permanganate and glycerin for their first aid and fire value. These days that type small kit, decent knife and an emergency blanket I'd feel pretty prepared in Georgia. There is so much water and wood for fire and shelter here, in many ways it's much easier than the desert environment I grew up in.

Oh, I did start with a point but distracted myself. As for the Amazon link, if there were some sort of shtf emergency, longer term, that required survival skills my guess is that women would want to hang with people that could put a warm meal and a safe water supply on the table. They don't exactly teach woods skills these days after all!
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