What are you reading? Good Books

I am about half way through Ben Coes -Power Down
The story of a 20 year plot to imbed terrorists into positions were they can "strike the heart of the infidel" - our power, oil, and supply lines. It's a good book with some cool characters. Seems everyone is a Ranger, SEAL, or Delta... Some inaccuracies, attention to detail is not the greatest (Spent too many years reading Clancy!). A good read and scary plot.
Just finished reading ONE SECOND AFTER by WILLIAM R. FORSTCHEN. The story is about one towns struggle to survive after multiple EMP strikes take out the power grid in the US and other nations.

Supposedly, the author had access to scientist and other govt officials that are experts in EMP blast and the destruction they can cause. If the aftermath of an EMP strike is anything close to the portrayal in the book, the outlook for survival of the average city dwelling person on the east coast is basically 0 and less than 15% for people in rural areas.

The author does a good job of dispelling a lot of the SHTF myths that the average person subscribes to including a lot of members of this board. My first thought after finishing the book is it's a rewrite of "Lights Out" from a scientific point of view. The book progresses slower an has less action than LO but again it's supposed to be more "scientifically" accurate.

Of course there are also typical gun related mistakes, clips, AK's and anything full auto is illegal but if you like SHTF type books it a good read.
My 2011 Midway USA Master Catalog. All 1050 pages!!!
I put little tiny post-it notes on the pages with item's I wanted, then got up an online order. This week I'll be like a kid at Christmas opening my package!
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