What Bill Clinton had to say to Democrats about guns.

Very interesting stuff. Maybe the politicians will realize how bad it would be for them to push further with the anti-gun talk.
Most of the anti-gun folks just cover their eyes and ears and say they want guns to go away. But in two years when the elections roll around many will not vote in the midterm elections. But most of the NRA members do. And the vulnerable Democrats know in 2014 they are going to pay if they vote for anti-gun measures. The Schumers, Bloombergs, Feinsteins don't have to worry about this. It's easy for them to spout off. They are the generals back in headquarters ordering the privates to charge the machine guns.
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You have to give Bill credit. He's a smart guy. Bill isn't saying that they shouldn't push for gun control, I read that he wants to change tactics and hold off a bit. He's basically saying that if they back off the gun control stuff, Democrats can win the mid-terms and control the House and Senate. He's probably right. If the Reps lose the House, we're in trouble.
I'd take Clinton over He Who Shall Not Be Named any day. Bill for the most part was pretty harmless but his wife scares the crap out of me.
If anyone here on this board lives in a Democratic district, they need to contact that communi.....er, democratic congressman and tell them that if they want a repeat of their party losing the House and Senate like they did under Clinton, keep pushing for gun control. The Assualt Weapons Ban is what got their asses kiced out of their seats then, and it will get get their asses kicked out in the upcoming mid-term elections.
Shows what a piece of **** he is. Notice how every decision he suggests is only for the good of the elected official? It's not about what's good for the population, it's all about reelection. Also, notice how condescending he is towards the end of the article with his comments. Also notice the divisive spirit of his rhetoric. How its "our side" and "them".......from people that Liam seek to unify us.
I said for the most part and if our fearless leader gets his way the 94 ban will be a fond memory because at least you could keep the ones you had.
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