What firearm was your biggest disappointment?

True that I have very small hands for a man and well I have found out that any thing. Larger then a. Lc9 doesn't feel right they feel large and clumpy but I love the judge go figure I guess its the revolver part lol or the rubber ribbed handle but glock even looks blocky to me guess I'm weird lol
True that I have very small hands for a man and well I have found out that any thing. Larger then a. Lc9 doesn't feel right they feel large and clumpy but I love the judge go figure I guess its the revolver part lol or the rubber ribbed handle but glock even looks blocky to me guess I'm weird lol

So is it true?? Small Hands===============================Small Gloves?
Springer Loaded 1911 it gave me a wicked bad vibe when
I got it home like this sob is gonna kill me sold it in a week

Were you holding backwards??:suspicious: Just messing with you, I had one and loved it. My biggest disappointment was my HK USPc 40. Liked the gun and ergos but it couldnt shoot a consistent group with any ammo. And it wasnt just me either, several friends shot it and couldnt hit consistently with it.
Ruger mini 14, inaccurate, all 5 of them
Ruger 44 carbine, Jam 50% of the time
Sig Mosquito, total pos
Browning A-bolt, never could ring any accuracy out of one
Remington 710, never owned one but shot a few, cheap junky rifle
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