would you support this gun range?

I for one do not think anyone who commits domestic abuse should have firearms, or access to firearms. I know of a lady who's x-husband held a gun to her head in an argument, and their children witnessed it. Yes, she divorced him, he served 5 years. All of his guns should be buried in the desert. I guess I have half a brain. Fortunately the half that works says take the guns away from family abusers.

this law extends to people who are being investigated, not convicted
According to the article, a judge has to issue the order. It's not on the whim of a Sheriff, or any police department. We are talking about Domestic Abuse. Frequently there are women and children involved. Maybe a bit of caution should be considered for them.

a judge =/= jury of my peers
This happened in Georgia...

Husband pulled a pistol and held it to the head of his wife, children witnessed it. Husband entered a Plea Deal, Domestic Violence, 5 years. Wife filed for divorce. Husband owned firearms, wife did not want them. Wife (now x-wife) tried to get local sheriff to take them, they refused. She petitioned to dispose of them, denied. X-husband finished his sentence. X-wife could not turn over the firearms to a felon. She had to wait until her son reached his 18th birthday. Local sheriff was present when x-wife was required to turn over the firearms to the now 18 year old son who lived with his dad. 18 Year old was determined to be legal to have them. This process took 3+ years. Maybe, just maybe, if the firearms had been turned over to a private party through a court order from Domestic Violence, the firearm that was held to this lady's head and she was required to keep (since it was not hers to dispose of) for 3+ years (X was released early) would have been out of her life much sooner and her son would not have to be involved.

I ask again, Property is more important than Life?

got a link to this stuff?
Do you guys really think privacy is more important than life?

We should open our homes to search and seizure if our neighbors get scared of the banging in our garage. I mean some neighbors kill each other and if my daughters neighbor looked like he was building a bomb with all that fertilizer and gasoline, then I would take any of his constitutional rights to defend her. So what if the dude has a lawn mower and grass to feed, I'm not gunna risk it.
I for one do not think anyone who commits domestic abuse should have firearms, or access to firearms. I know of a lady who's x-husband held a gun to her head in an argument, and their children witnessed it. Yes, she divorced him, he served 5 years. All of his guns should be buried in the desert. I guess I have half a brain. Fortunately the half that works says take the guns away from family abusers.

#1: Not everyone accused of domestic violence is guilty.

#2: No free man should be deprived his right to bear arms.

#3: If a man is dangerous to society, he should not be released back into society.
I for one do not think anyone who commits domestic abuse should have firearms, or access to firearms. I know of a lady who's x-husband held a gun to her head in an argument, and their children witnessed it. Yes, she divorced him, he served 5 years. All of his guns should be buried in the desert. I guess I have half a brain. Fortunately the half that works says take the guns away from family abusers.

Understand what little it takes to get a misdemeanor "domestic violence" charge and lose your gun rights forever with no recourse currently, except a presidential pardon and you would be surprised. Thank Bill Clinton for that step further. Do some homework on this subject.

Holding a gun to anyone's head in a criminal act is a forcible felony and society has issued the green light to lethal force and if required, dependent on the situation, I would kill them. No need for a misdemeanor charge...
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