Yankee Vulture Bus in ATL Monday 9:00am, I Smell a Rally

I went ahead and hacked his email... " Dear GCO Member,
This email is being resent to correct errors in the
previous email. Apologies to all.
We reported yesterday that Mayor Bloomberg's
Mayor's Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) bus will visit
Atlanta, Monday, June 24 at 11:30 AM at the
Georgia State Capitol. We also reported that the
web site for Demand Action is stating the No More
Names stop for Atlanta will be at 11:30 AM at the
Georgia State Capitol as well.
However, after checking the Georgia State
Capitol's Event Calendar, the rally, according to
their calendar, is scheduled for 9:00 AM Monday
morning. Obviously, one of these times scheduled
is incorrect. The Capitol Events Calendar can be
found here.
We are certain the Press Conference will be held
at 11:30 AM at the same location. Since the Press
Conference is the most important portion of the
program, those who do not have a lot of time to
spend downtown may want to arrive around
10:30 AM and attend the Press Conference. Those
who have the time and want to be there for the
complete program may want to arrive around
9:00 AM.
The rally will be on the Northwest side of the
Capitol facing Washington Street. This is the same
place where the previous armed rallies have been

Just kidding on the hacking, just copied a part of the email gco sent me.
Posted elsewhere

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:16:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Lissie Stahlman" <elstahlman@gmail.com>
Subject: We look forward to seeing you on Monday at the Capitol
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 22:16:12 -0400

Dear No More Names attendees,

Thank you for your commitment to sensible gun legislation by coming to the,Capitol on Monday and join the voices of reason who support commonsense gun,legislation.

If possible, please arrive by 11:30 for the noon press conference including victim survivors and other inspirational speakers who will address the need for better federal and state legislation

Please dress cool and bring a bottle of water.

Important info not meant to frighten you.

We have monitored the gun groups' blogs and are certain there will be some protesters present. The Sheriff's Dept and Capitol Police will be keeping us safe, and at other stops where, the "wing nuts" were present, they were fairly passive and knew their place.

Please do not engage them. The best course is to ignore them, and if they become disruptive to a speaker, the particular speaker will handle the issue. Don't try to hush them up. We want the media to cover our strong message, not a confrontation with the other side.

MARTA is your best bet if available. Going on the north/south line, exit the Georgia State University Station. Exit the station, turn left and walk up to ML King drive where you will see the Capitol diagonally to the right. Cross MLK, turn right and walk alongside the Capitol. Then turn left on Washington Street where you will see us assembled.

If driving, there is a $5/all day parking lot on the corner of ML King and Washington St., diagonally across from our assembly area.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday and making a big statement for NO MORE NAMES.

Lissie Stahlman
Mayors Against Illegal Guns
I seriously think there needs to bee someone reading names of people saved by guns. Get out your old issues of American Rifleman - at least ten in there every month.
interesting !!! Apparently were wing nuts

"We have monitored the gun groups' blogs and are certain there will be some protesters present. The Sheriff's Dept and Capitol Police will be keeping us safe, and at other stops where, the "wing nuts" were present, they were fairly passive and knew their place. "
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